Pineal Gland Activation & Healing

Pineal gland activation and healing to ensure more clarity of thought, heightened awareness, more light and love for your cells, better health balance, enhanced intuition, better sight and sleeppatterns, less headaches and much more.

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Pineal Gland Activation and Healing
We invite you to one of the most amazing activations services, that will blow your mind.
Going through this activation, not only heightens your intuition, claraudience, clearknowledge clairvoyange.
It also gives you more clear thoughts, a lot better connection with the divine
The activation ensures more light and love in your body cell and mitochondria, and in general activates your energy on a whole new level.
The pineal gland is the connection with the divine, and send light and love to your cells.
It is crucial to have your pineal gland activated and cleared from old beliefs systems.
Also pulling out radiation and healing physical damage done to your brain, that has effect on your pineal gland, is important.

We offer this activation and healing because you as a ceo of your life and business, cannot live with damages or dimmed down pineal gland function.
To live an easy life and be in tune with the universal divine synchronisity, this class is a must.
This Class, we will offer to every one ready to shift their reality and create a greater and easier life business.
The side effect here is also a lot better balanced health and more energy in your this class
This class is offered exclusively by Anja, and done in small groups to ensure maximum results.

- Different activations performed on pineal gland crystals
- Clean of different toxins compromising Pineal Glands
- Decalcification of pineal gland crystals
- Radiation pull and healing of damages performed by radiation
- Beliefwork and emotions download to clear blocking beliefs dimming the gland function
- Strengthen of pineal gland tissue
- Balancing and connecting of pineal gland environment
- Healing of physical damages in brain affecting the pineal gland
- Healing of cysts compromising pineal gland function
- Upgrading the vibration levels of pineal gland
- Meditation for participants to use, to keep healing the Pineal gland in the future.

Symptoms when pineal gland has physical or energetic unbalances:
- headaches
- insomnia
- episodic cognitive deficits such as speech or vision difficulties
- lapses in short-term memory
- numbness in limbs
- problems with balance
- alteration in circadian rhythms, sleep too little or too much
- be restless in the night or fall asleep at unusual times
- Damaged glucocorticoid receptors, due to stress
- melatonine and seretonine hormone production unbalance